Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University

Maynooth University (MU), established as an autonomous university in 1997, traces its origins to the Royal College of St. Patrick founded in 1795. With over 15,000 students from more than 100 countries, Maynooth offers a diverse range of undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD programs across various disciplines, including humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The university emphasises an interdisciplinary research approach, supported by its research institutes and centres, and values both research and teaching equally.  


One of these research institutes is the Innovation Value Institute (IVI), which was established in 2006. IVI is a multidisciplinary research institute specialising in digital transformation and technology adoption. As digitalisation impacts businesses across all sectors, IVI addresses strategic repositioning, and technology adoption, and helps enterprises navigate digital transformation, uncovering new market opportunities and service offerings while considering economic, societal, and business implications. IVI has a strong track record of industry collaboration, public sector projects and European research projects.   


Markus Helfert

WP4 Lead & Researcher

Markus Helfert has expertise in Digital Transformation, Digital Service Innovation and Data Governance. 

Zohreh Pourzolfaghar

School of Business & IVI, Maynooth University 

Zohreh Pourzolfaghar is the WP4 Lead & Researcher; Zohreh has expertise in Management Information Systems, Enterprise Architecture and Smart services. 

Aoife Brady


Aoife Brady is the Project Manager for the Maynooth University participation in DIGIIFABS. 

Roshmita Kanungoe

Roshmita Kanungoe has prior experience with digital transformation projects and with DigiFABS, she hopes to further strengthen these skills and apply them to the F&B sector. She hopes to learn a lot from the industry and academia collaboration aspect of the project, and to help build a skill set for digital change agents from the ground-up which align with immediate industry needs.