Meet the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Research Group Entrepreneurship

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Netherlands, with more than 44,000 students and 4,800 employees across seven faculties. Through more than one hundred undergraduate programs and practice-oriented research within seven faculties, AUAS is committed to addressing current social issues, with the aim of contributing to a sustainable, healthy and just city and world.

The activities and research themes of the Entrepreneurship Lectorate, located at the Amstel Campus, are intertwined with all seven AUAS faculties. Based on the AUAS slogan “Creating Tomorrow Together,” we see entrepreneurship as a means for self-development, economic and social growth and as a tool for the social challenges and transitions society faces. We focus on digital, sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship, building collaborations both internal and external.

Investigation lead

In February 2024, we kicked off a three-year Erasmus+ project: “DigiFABS.” DigiFABS seeks to understand the skill sets required for food and beverage Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as they seek to navigate and thrive in a rapidly digitizing sector. AUAS leads the work package ‘Investigation’. Currently, we are gathering insights from literature and practice to understand the status of digitization and challenges faced by SMEs in this sector. The goal is to gain a deep understanding of SME maturity stages and the skills needed for digitization. We also play a key role in conceptualizing, testing, and optimizing the course curriculum underpinning a bootcamp and summer school. For this, we use the expertise from the AUAS Food Lab who facilitate students in conducting research and developing healthy and sustainable food concepts. In addition, our Community of Practice “Food in the City” connects research, education, and practice in the field of food and food logistics.

Meet our Team

The AUAS DigiFABS team consists of researchers, teachers and students who have knowledge of entrepreneurship and (the logistics of) the food & beverages sector.

Mike Russell is senior researcher and the Track Lead for the Investigation work package. Mike holds a Computer Science degree and Ph.D. in Man-Machine Interaction and an MBA. At AUAS, he teaches undergraduate courses in technology and innovation, in addition to teaching Masters’ programs at the University of Northumbria on business and sustainability analytics.

AUAS Professor of Entrepreneurship Ingrid Wakkee is involved in the project to monitor quality. As head of the AUAS Entrepreneurship Lectorate, she is actively involved in multiple applied research projects in (academic) entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and new business models. Wakkee’s work has been published in national and international scientific journals and edited volumes.

Burcu Kör is Lead Researcher Investigation at DigiFABs. As a senior researcher at the AUAS Research Group Entrepreneurship, Burcu is engaged in projects that bridge theoretical insights with practical applications in innovation management. Her research contributes to understanding and supporting digital transformation processes in Dutch SMEs and integrating effective teaching of digital skills in entrepreneurship and innovation education.

Lars Vierbergen studied Food & Nutrition at AUAS and is currently working as a lecturer-researcher in Food Entrepreneurship and Product Development related domain on the AUAS. Here he works primarily on food environment issues. As project manager of The Food Lab, he has been working with different food development-related assignments.

Kees-Willem is lecturer and researcher in logistics at AUAS. In the research program Urban Technology, he conducts research on agri-food logistics in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. He is currently coordinator of the Community of Practice “Food in the City”.

Maarten Kuiper is a lecturer-researcher at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, in the Nutrition and Dietetics course, specializing in sustainability & ethics of food production. Trained as a historian with a specialization in military history, he became interested in how power dynamics influence the world we live in. Not only between countries, but also between the different parties in the food system.

Sofia Manzali and Carolijn de Boer are both students enrolled in the Master Global Sustainable Business Management, which is a joint degree program between Northumbria University and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. They are deeply committed to exploring and addressing environmental and social challenges through innovative business solutions.


In conclusion, the DigiFABs team of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is committed to driving innovation and addressing the challenges Small Medium Enterprises in the Food & Beverage sector face. As we move forward, our overarching goal remains clear: to equip future generations with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to navigate the complex digital challenges of tomorrow’s world.