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Consorci de la Ribera (CR) is formed by two county councils in Valencia (Ribera Alta and Ribera Baixa). 47 municipalities, 300.000 inhabitants. Its goals are to promote projects about socioeconomic development, migrants, youth, environment, cultural heritage, tourism and energy. CRIB is organised in 4 areas and has around 20 people staff.
Economic Promotion Department: to obtain an increase in the employment rate for all the social groups of the region, concretely for young people through training and business advice. This department coordinates the PATER (Territorial Pact for Employment in La Ribera), an agreement signed by public entities, trade unions and business organisations in the territory, to promote employment.
Environmental Education Department: training courses and Citizen awareness; Tourism department, energise, diversify and promote a tourist product based on resources of the Ribera;
Energy Department: implement an energy-saving and RES culture.
CR will actively contribute to the research (WP3) and conceptualisation (WP4 and WP5) bringing in their much-valued view as a public administration providing training and in contact with SMEs and entrepreneurs. CR will support SUA in setting up the boot camps during WP6 and share their insights in optimisation (WP7). Throughout the project, CR will participate in promoting it to their well-established local network (WP8) and provide feedback towards a high level of sustainability of the results. CR will take a collaborative approach to managing project deliverables, working with all partners in each work package.
Co-funded by
the European Union
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