The role of the Project Management Group in DIGIFABS

At the outset of the DIGIFABS project, a Project Management Group (PMG) was formed. The group is composed of one representative from each consortium partner, and led by Dominik Lappenküpper of FH Munster.

The PMG is the main decision-making body of the project and meets each month to report on project activity, progress made, challenges encountered and to plan for upcoming activity. Meetings are usually held online, except for those meetings that take place during in-person Transnational Partner meetings. To date, timely reporting, collaborative problem solving as well as deliverables being achieved on time and on budget have been key characteristics of the PMG.

In the first few months of the project, the PMG has overseen:

• the preparation of key strategy documents including the Project Management Handbook, Quality Evaluation Strategy and Dissemination Strategy.
• the development of the DIGIFABS brand identity
• the creation of a suite of branded document templates
• the launch of the project website
• launch of three project social media channels
• an extensive literature review
• development of a stakeholder database

Plans are now well-advanced to carry out field-based research with people in the project’s key target groups of educators and SMEs over the coming weeks and to launch the project’s first email bulletin. To receive the bulletin subscribe to our email list below and you will receive a copy every six months directly by email.